Early insight
that saves lives.
Early insight that
saves lives.
More than 8 million babies worldwide are born with a birth defect each year1. Many of them appear healthy at birth and come from families with no history of the disorder. Birth defects cause 1 out of every 5 deaths in infants and lead to lifelong disabilities and challenges for those who do survive.
Detecting a disease at an early stage can enable appropriate and timely medical intervention before more serious and sometimes irreversible health issues are caused.
SZA Longevity Newborn Screening Test identifies DNA changes that could cause severe or life-altering symptoms in an infant. This analysis includes 1054 genes and assesses over 1200 disorders, covering many conditions beyond any legislated standards for newborn screening. This test covers only early-onset conditions where early detection, intervention, and management could prove essential for the infant's overall health and quality of life.