
Carrier Screening Test

Screening Test

Your Peace of Mind in Family Planning

Your Peace of Mind
in Family Planning



Identify and understand
life-impacting genetic variants


Understanding risk factors for inherited genetic disorders is an important step in evaluating reproductive options. 80% of parents of a child born with a recessive genetic disorder are not aware of a family history of that condition .

SZA Longevity Basic Carrier Screening Test offers critical insights that may increase probability of success for future pregnancies and healthier future generations. It is a genetic test which can be performed before or during pregnancy that identifies if you carry a gene with a change, or variant, that can impact your child.

Focus on coding
regions of the genome


SZA Longevity Carrier Screening Test uses Whole-exome sequencing (WES) which is a widely used next-generation sequencing (NGS) method. WES provides coverage of more than 95% of the exons, (the expressed or the protein-coding regions of the genome), which harbor the majority of the large genetic variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with human disease phenotypes . Of the ~3 billion bases that comprise the human genome, only about 1% is represented by coding sequences .

Exome sequencing is a cost-effective approach when whole-genome sequencing is not practical or necessary. It enables your healthcare provider to focus on the genes most likely to affect phenotype.


Exome sequencing is limited to the variants found in the coding region of genes which affect protein functionality. The other variants such as the structural and non-coding variants associated with diseases can not be identified with this test. Genome-wide sequencing methods will allow the identification of all the variant types which could be associated with the pathogenic phenotypes. If you need a more comprehensive analysis, you can upgrade your test to Whole Genome sequencing based Comprehensive Newborn Screening Test.

icon icon You can learn more about WES based testing here.

Actionable and
Well-defined Results

Actionable and


SZALongevity screens for genes associated with specific inherited genetic conditions, including commonly screened conditions such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, fragile X syndrome, and sickle cell anemia.

Advanced technology and unmatched support make SZA Longevity unique among Carrier screening tests. The test is easy to take. Results are presented clearly, directly, and can pave the way to critical action steps.

icon icon You can learn more about screened genes and related disorders here:
Genes Included on SZA Longevity Carrier Screening Test

icon icon Contact your local SZA Longevity representative for more information or
you can send your queries to

icon icon References
1. Gao Z., Waggoner D., Stephens M. et al. An estimate of the average number of recessive lethal mutations carried by humans. Genetics 199, 1243-1254 (2015).
2. Rabbani B., Tekin M., Mahdieh N. The promise of whole-exome sequencing in medical genetics. J Hum Genet 59, 5–15 (2014).